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読んでくれたNさんからは、「私もイトコさんみたいに、あゆう子さんちの余白を楽しみに行きますね」とのお返事が。(手紙に出てくるイトコの家については、「物が多いとか少ないとか関係ない 共通点を見つけるのがおもしろい」という記事に書きましたのでよろしければどうぞ)
Hi, N,
Thank you for the kind words. I so appreciate your asking me. First of all, if you can just bring yourself, that’ll be perfect.
Yes, I love cheese and chocolate, but I have a hereditary condition that requires me to adhere to a super low-fat diet. My fat intake is about the same as that of an average 18th-century peasant in JAPAN. All the recipes I post on my blog are the pancreas-loving versions of the real stuff. My guests and I have been cool about meals; we eat and share what we fancy. And we always have a good time.
I read your message and thought a lot about gifts and things (tangible or not). It’s been illuminating. I’m so intrigued that, when you are here, I hope we can talk about this too. It has a lot to do with design, identity, and human nature. Especially human nature, and the fact that we can be so different from each other, yet we are so alike.
I’m a blank space person. I love the things I have at my home and take very good care of them. But it’s the blank walls and the unoccupied floor space and the airiness and the intentionality of all of them that brings me this sense of satisfaction about being in my home. (I’m an enoughist rather than a minimalist. I’ve never had to try to pare down. I’ve always been this way.)
One of the cousins I grew up with is a confirmed thing person. She lives in a beautiful house, where most wall surface is covered with furniture, art, and other things that she has hunted and gathered or been presented with all her life. She has a ton of energy and feels rejuvenated when surrounded by her things.
But my cousin’s and my homes have certain qualities in common. The light filtered by our flimsy curtains and the air moving through the doorways. And our signature unfinishedness! Something is always under construction. When I visit her I get to look at her stuff as if I am at a flea market, and when she comes to my place she will just sit back, relax, and breathe.
So, to go back to your question, I would love it if you would buy me a piece of fruit or some fresh mint leaves or a loaf of French bread while you are here.
1日1新:morozumi「Kameli Apartment展」
1日1冊:Anne Choma「Gentleman Jack」、小枝祐基「疲れないパソコン仕事術」、Scales「果物のひと皿」各少々