Hi, M.
I used to feel terrible about throwing food away, too.
Years ago, a good friend told me this story that stuck. Her mother was pressuring her to finish a dish, as she had done for decades before that day. My friend was full. But her mother insisted; the food wouldn’t keep, and she hated to see it go to waste.
Then something in my friend snapped. “My stomach is not a trash can,” she said.
It became her mantra. She’s since lost a significant amount of weight without any changes in her diet or her workout routine.
I try to be conscientious and do what I can to reduce food waste. At the same time, I think it’s important to remember that “My stomach is not a trash can.”
Hi, J.
I’m someone who used to struggle with overeating. If you are a list person like me, this might work.
Make a list of food items that you eat and rate them. Be honest. Be very finicky.
This will help you find out what food you really, really, like. Eat more of them. Learn new recipes and how to cook them in ways that will help you achieve your health-related goals.
You’ll also find out what food you don’t particularly care for but consume anyway, for whatever reason. Stop eating them. Eating more of them won’t make them taste any better.
When my palate is respected, I seem to be happy to stop where I should. :)

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